Reaping Gold at Nimbin Prison Farm

New production trials pay off at Nimbin Prison Farm this Spring.

Due to the success of Cannabis cultivation techniques, NPF have raised a healthy batch of seedlings now ready to plant out.

NPF struck a major deal with a US based franchise; Need-4-Weed, who will spread the Nimbin Prison Farm brand throughout the 16 states that have approved medical marijuana in the USA. Californian medical marijuana patients are fond of Aussie weed and supply can’t keep up with demand.

The inmates on the rehabilitation program at the modern Cannabis Corrective Centre are in full swing making cakes, cookies, confection, tincture, hash and many other high grade medicinal Cannabis products for the expanding US market.

“There is no better way to fund a prison.”, said NPF Media Liaison Officer, Mary-Jane Healing. “We actually have a waiting list here in Nimbin, of people wanting to be locked up. How many other prisons can say that?

We try to keep the best growers and some are reluctant to leave when their prison sentence has fininshed. We can expect a shortage of vacancies due to the recent arrests in Nimbin, where most of the talented growers and prison staff originate an extra staff at our centre will provide a higher security level and keep out crime”, said Mary-Jane.

Rehabilitation is the Nimbin Prison Farm success story with their clean record for violence and no anti-social behavior. The correctional program has attracted other private prisons that are keen to adopt the NPF business plan. The criminal element can now be of use to society within this ‘win-win’ situation. NPF inmates are happy to do the time as a service to the community. 

NPF Media Release: September 2011.

NPF. SPRING FAIR: From 11.00am, Friday, 11th of November, 2011.
Booking information can be found on the web site.

The Cannabis Corrective Centre of Australia.
The law is the crime, but now it’s fun to do time.

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